Look who’s featured on the blog today! It’s Bobbi (1/2 of the Bobbi + Mike duo!)
In full-disclosure (Kellie here)…I feel like I need an “I heart Bobbi + Mike” t-shirt. I love this team. They have pushed me and challenged me and I am so very grateful for them being willing to pour themselves into me. I heard them speak at a conference in St. Louis and walked away challenged and ready to tackle my business with a fresh perspective. I got so much out of it that I decided to attend their workshop. Not once…but twice. Every time I hear them speak, I swear they are speaking right into my heart. Their advice on business, balance, posing, etc have truly changed my approach to how I run my business.
When we started talking about The Reset Conference we started discussing who we’d like to have as our speakers. I quickly brought up bobbi+mike. I’m incredibly excited to see what hearing them speak does for your businesses. I promise you that you won’t regret it. If you’re not following their work yet (you know…if you’ve been living under a rock), go to www.bobbiandmike.com/blog And prepare to drool all over your keyboard. They can capture true, authentic relationships better than anyone I know.
Ok…enough gushing. Let’s learn more about this adorable red-head.
Nikon or Canon?
Canon. However, we used to shoot with Nikon D200s and D70s when we very first started our business in 2006. By 2008, we switched to Canon and started shooting with 5Ds. I love the color and the lens options that we get from Canon. But I tell you what… Nikon’s where it’s at when it comes to focus. BAM! Nails it every time.
Mac or PC?
Psh. Mac. I usually am a pretty political person when it comes to this vs that kind of questions… as in, all things serve their purpose. HOWEVERRRRR, since becoming a full-time Mac person in 2002, using a PC is like writing with my left hand (I’m right-handed), being on one literally gives me a headache! Okay okay… I’m a liiiittle dramaaatic…. But you get the idea.
Favorite quote?
“You want my opinion? We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness — and call it love — true love.” -Robert Fulghum
Favorite Lens & what’s in your bag?
• Favorite lens: 35mm 1.4L. Most versatile lens: 50mm 1.2L. The guaranteed amazingness lens: 85mm 1.2L. What’s in my bag: 2 5D mark IIIs, 24, 35, 50, 85, 100 macro
• In Mike’s bag: same as mine but add a 70-200, a 24-70, and lots of flash gear.
Guilty Pleasure?
Where do I begin?! Pop Music (ie Britney Spears), YouTube Marathons of nothingness, Sleeping until noon, Grey’s Anatomy, Singing Janis Joplin, Fleetwood Mac and Meatloaf at the top of my lungs, Cheesy 80’s movies (“The Legend of Billie Jean” or “Teen Witch” to name a few), and I have an addiction to buying useless shiz on Amazon.
Most embarrassing moment?
• http://www.bobbiandmike.com/blog/index.php/my-tumble/ Need I say more?!
Favorite junk food?
Well that’s an easy one! Mountain Dew, Cheetos, and white powdered donuts. WHO’S WITH ME?!
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
I’d like to visit Europe someday… but really as long as I’m with Mike, I’m happy to go allllmost anywhere.
Ideal day?
Doing nothing. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Lay around all day without any obligations or associated guilt. TOTAL sloth mode!
Best secret for working smarter not harder?
A Pomodoro timer. 25 minutes intense work, 5 minutes of whatever. ALL.DAY.LONG!
Annual goals?
To shoot more local weddings. Traveling is awesome but exhausting.
Favorite movie or book?
• Movies: Up, The Jerk, Gladiator, The Three Amigos, V for Vendetta, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (with Gene Wilder)
Favorite hot drink?
Caramel Apple Spice
Favorite Photo Find
•Holdfast Moneymaker Camera Harness, ONA Bag, & The Bobbi Shop InDesign templates… DUH!
What three words best describe your photography?
Genuine. Fun. Timeless.
You’re seriously dying after viewing those photos, aren’t you? I warned you about that puddle of drool that’s now on your keyboard.
If you haven’t registered, what are you waiting for? Use coupon code BBMK50 to save $50 off of your registration. Just click on the registration tab above & secure your seat! I promise you’re going to walk away wanting to own an “I heart Bobbi + Mike” t-shirt, too.
Bobbi gave us a quick synopsis on what they are planning on share at The Reset Conference:
BBMK-isms that will change your life!
Stay sane, be happy, learn balance and rock your sessions. Bobbi and Mike will share some of their most important tips, tricks, and perspectives they’ve learned about balance, business, client interaction, efficiency and, of course, posing!
Bobbi + Mike,
I’m oh so grateful for the two of you. You’ve pushed me to capture real, authentic moments & have truly inspired me to have a clear vision for what I do. This job. These moments. These legacies…they matter. Thanks for being you. For being real. For truly caring about what’s important. ~Kellie
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