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Dannie Fountain is back on the Reset blog today, speaking on the topic of discounting services. A lot of creative entrepreneurs probably don’t consider how much it affects their bottom line when they choose to discount their time.  Dannie makes some excellent points here, and we’re super stoked for those of you who have booked a 1-on-1 mentoring session with her!  Read on for more!

Alright friends. We need to have a talk. I remember having a similar conversation last Thanksgiving and I think it’s important to share a reminder.

There’s no denying that the weekend after Thanksgiving is one of the biggest commerce weekends of the year. Both Black Friday and Cyber Monday shattered records this year. I definitely took part in the deals too (ahem, finally snagged a @gravityblankets 😍).

But here’s the thing… as I was scrolling my Instagram and Facebook feeds over the weekend, I saw entrepreneurs discounting their services. Discounting products is one thing – you know your margins and I’m sure you still make money on a discounted product. But discounting services?! You’re literally saying “even though my time is usually worth $X/hour, today it’s worth $Y/hour.” Think of when you have to go and provide those services – will you be as invested in the bride that booked you at half your usual rate vs your full rate? Will you design just as good a logo for the business that paid 40% vs 100%?

stop discounting your services

If you watch @sharktankabc like I do then you might remember this nugget – the sharks always encourage the entrepreneurs to give enough equity to encourage picking up the phone. Mr. Wonderful isn’t gonna pick up the phone for 2.5% equity, but for 15% he will. The same holds true for your services – by discounting your services, you’re doing three things: devaluing your time, doing a disservice to your clients, and teaching future clients that if they wait for a sale they can get a deal. Point blank, it’s time to knock it off. Stop discounting your services and hourly rates just because you feel pressure to participate in the sales.

Stepping off my soapbox now ☺️

Catch Dannie’s class at the 2019 Reset Conference in Louisville, KY on 10 Steps to a Consistent Annual Marketing Strategy.

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