There are some people that walk into your life that just leave a huge impression on you. Kara is one of those people. She has such an incredible warmth & sees the humor in everything. I wish she lived closer so I could hear that laugh more often! But, beyond that amazing personality, Kara is an incredible photographer & business woman. She has grown her business by leaps and bounds and continues to push herself harder to new levels of success. I think she must drink a ton of coffee, because I’m not sure when she rests! haha! She is very active in her kids Catholic school & is one amazing wife & mommy. I can’t wait to hear what she shares with us at Reset. I know you’ll walk away inspired.
Meet the adorable & super funny Kara Kamienski. (I promise you she will have you laughing at Reset!)
Tell us a little bit about yourself…
I am lucky.
I have an amazing hot farmer husband who listens to country music and drives a truck and wears only Wranglers. He is the stereotypical all-American boy and I adore him.
I have a gorgeous 9 year old daughter who is a diva obsessed with purses, Dancing with the Stars, and singing. I pledge that one day she’ll be famous and make up for all of the agony we endure having to listen to her sing all.the.time.
I have a hilarious 7 year old son. He is freckle-faced and has a dimple and pretty much rules my heart. The kid is so.stinking.funny and I absolutely love to watch him play sports- because he rocks at them.
I run a crazy busy photography business that I love every minute of. I literally can’t go anywhere without seeing a scene and calculating aperture, light, and what sort of post-process vintage sunflare I can add to it. It’s a problem.
I love a lot of things. I’ve more than once been accused of claiming something is my ‘favorite’ (and then saying it again like 2 minutes later). I am fully obsessed with wearing boots, drinking coffee, the Pandora Soft Rock station, America’s Next Top Model, Ulta, Starbucks birthday cake pops, and snow.
I absolutely despise mean people, selfies, grocery shopping, running, and my boobs (for real).
What keeps you inspired?
Every once in awhile, I’ll get sick of working. I’ll tell myself I could just throw in the towel and be done with it all. And then I’ll go somewhere without my camera, and I’ll see a shot, and it will literally burn me inside that I can’t capture it. That feeling is what inspires me to know that I am where I am meant to be.
Favorite Software (presets, actions, templates, etc?)
Oh dear…I have a lot of favorites. For workflow- I’m obsessed with Photo Mechanic. I also am in love with Smart Albums. I live by the VSCO presets.
Favorite Photo Find
I’m a huge fan of the VSCO facebook site.
What is your favorite photography accessory other than your camera?
My intern. HAHAHA:) just kidding. I’d have to say my ‘money maker’ strap. Add two cameras onto ‘the girls’ and this homegirl was having some serious back issues. ‘Money maker’: 1, Kara’s back: 0.
If you could only photograph with one lens, which would you choose?
85 mm 1.4:) bokeh baby. bokeh.
What do you want your viewers to take away from your work?
I hope people can see how much I love my job through my work. I want so badly for each of my clients to feel as beautiful when they see their pictures as I see them through the lens.
What do you think are some clichés in photography you steer away from yourself?
um…color processing. 🙂 j/k. sort of. I feel bad answering this question because I think there are a lot of things that people do that WORK for them- they just don’t work for me. It doesn’t mean I think they’re dumb or useless, they just aren’t right for me and my biz. Some examples of that- having a studio, in-person sales, a crap ton of off-camera flash, editing in bright and bold color, etc. Just not for me:)
If you could be invisible & had your camera…where would you go & what would you photograph?
Aaron Schock. just kidding. (sort of). honestly, my children. I think they turn things on for me and I hardly get the real deal. In those moments- I think it’s hard to capture their true emotions because I’m torn between being a mom and being a photographer. for the good times and the bad times. I wish I could sometimes capture them when they are just truly being themselves without knowing I’m there. (but with my fav 85 lens- that’s virtually impossible now, isn’t it!)
5 words your friends would use to describe you.
Crazy. Funny. Driven. Smiley. Busy.
5 words your spouse would use to describe you.
Bad cook. Great mom. Clean. Intense. Annoying. (truth)
What talent would you most like to have?
I wish I could cook. Like crazy amazing meals that were super healthy and everyone devoured.
Your laugh…loud and obnoxious? Quiet giggler? Full-on snorter?
‘Most Obnoxious Laugh’ winner at band camp- 2 years in a row baby. This girl.
Wish you had more of…? Wish you had less of….?
More: time in a day, hair on my head, rooms in my house, family who lived close, patience with my kids, hooded sweatshirts.
Less: boobs. definitely boobs.
Greatest loves of your life?
God, my husband, my kids, my family, my Ugg boots, Lancome mascara, and Starbucks.
Most embarrassing moment??
Well, so many to put. THIS year’s was when I was asked to speak at Bradley University to a class about owning my own business. One of the students raised his hand and asked me what advice I would give to my ‘starting out’ self. I confidently told him that I spent too much time worrying about what others thought and comparing myself to others- and then putting myself down. I told him my one piece of advice would be not to ‘self-defacate’. I meant ‘self-depricate’. Instead, I told a classful of college students not to crap on themselves. #inspire
Something that is overrated?
Donuts. ugh…
What’s your BIG dream?
I’d love to be a part of something way bigger than myself. Not sure what that is yet- but I’m confident God is leading me in the direction He wants me to go. This photography gig literally fell into my lap 5 years ago, and prior to that- was seriously not even on my spectrum. I have to believe that there is a plan.
It’s Friday night at 9pm…what are you probably doing?
Most likely charging my batteries, cleaning my equipment, and beginning my weekly panic attack the night before a wedding.
If you were granted 3 wishes, what would you choose?
- Happiness for my children. that’s really all I would wish for.
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