I am blessed to come from a fairly big and diverse family. It could be any one person because I know some pretty amazing people. The person that inspires me most as cheesy as it sounds however, is my husband. We have been together half of our lives. He is such an amazing man. In addition to now being a stay at home dad- He comes to all my sessions, he gladly plays assistant, he supports my business whole heartedly and isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. He truly is a team player. In an industry like the photography industry I see so many photographers that sadly just don’t have the support of their spouse for whatever reason, I count my lucky stars. I have seen so many face divorce and I do not take him for granted.
Reality Television. This is kind of a new development since my last pregnancy, but I can’t get enough of all the Real Housewives shows since Hulu lets me binge watch them.
My life is a series of embarrassing moments haha. Too many to count.
This scripture has gotten me through many hard times. I am a hot mess, but I find I always come back to it.
Favorite junk food?
Oh there are so many. I just had our sixth baby so I am slowly coming down off of all the pregnancy cravings. I would have to say Reese’s Peanut butter cups.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
Scotland. I was supposed to get to the UK last year to teach, but we found out we were pregnant and had to table all of our big plans so I am hoping someday! Our sweet baby was MORE than worth it, but how I would even love to find a way to bring our children out there too. It will happen. I just don’t know when.
If you could have any super power, which would you choose?
If I could clone or multiply myself, that would be pretty handy haha. I would even settle for growing a couple extra hands or adding more time to a day.
Any areas in your life that could use a “Reset?”
Hmm. I don’t believe so. I am sure there are things that could be improved, but I am happy with my particular brand of dysfunction haha.
Favorite photograph you’ve taken?
It sounds crazy, but I don’t have one. I am attached to most of them. The photographs of my children have the most meaning for obvious reasons. I have one film image that still really does stir things up for me though. It is of my daughter when she was a little smaller. It just seems to embody her so well.
What moves you?
Life. Imperfection. Motherhood and childhood. Sorrow and Joy. I Just love it all. And any music with a piano and violin in it. Instant goosebumps.
Have there been moments where you are photographing and you realize that this is bigger than yourself?
I always feel that way. I have a thing for old antique shops and places like that, and whenever we hit those bins of old photographs, I am always in awe that at one time this was someone’s reality. That was their present time and they had no idea that there would be a stranger rifling through their family photos in a little antique flea market. It is such a mix of emotions for me. It makes me wonder where the photographs I have taken will be 100 years from now.
There also was this time in Connecticut when this beautiful Mother and Daughter came to me for photos. They had just learned their little girl had cancer in her foot and leg and that it would soon have to be amputated. We spent that evening running around, rolling in the grass and splashing in the ocean. Those were the last images of them doing so when she had both legs. I thought to myself of all the times I have kissed my baby’s soles of their feet. All the times I lovingly helped tie my children’s shoes and tickled their feet. I thought of the moment I gave birth and counted their toes and fingers. It just was all so much. Never had I had such a big honor. Maybe those are some of my favorite photos too all these years later.
What words of advice would you give to someone just starting out?
Comparison is the their of joy. You are enough. If it gets too be too much and you find that you are feeling resentful going through the work of other’s unplug. Give yourself permission to be your own artist.
What’s your typical day usually look like?
No two days are the same, but with six kids I don’t think that would be possible. Right now life is a bit slower because we just had a baby and I am soaking it all in knowing she is our last. In the height of busy season, when it is warmer out, I am out all day with my children if possible just exploring and then my evenings are spent photographing clients or mentoring. I am all or nothing so I am either really busy, or really lazy haha. When you live in a place like Colorado though it is hard to not want to get out. Now that my husband is a stay at home dad- we have so many adventures in store for us.
What three words best describe your photography style?
These are always so hard for me eek.
I would say Organic, Emotional, Emotive
Best secret for working smarter not harder?
Say NO. Don’t over extend yourself and value your time. If you can’t do that, you can’t expect other people to.
Wish you had more of…? Wish you had less of….?
Time. Not because I want to do more. I just want more time to enjoy my children. They are growing up so fast.
I wish I had less worry. I am a worrier. I worry about worry. I am learning to get better at that though.
Any successes or failures in business that have shaped the way you run your business now?
The whole no thing. I made that mistake once. I have gotten much better at it. People don’t want to hear it. I don’t like to say it. Sometimes saying yes to them is saying no to my family though and that is a sacrifice I am not prepared to make. I am a very nice person (or I would like to think so) but nothing trumps the love I have for my husband and children. Their feelings always come first.
Do you feel like attending workshops/conferences are valuable?
Oh, yes! For the fellowship and connections you make alone. They didn’t have things like that when I was starting. I wish they did. I am all self taught and it made me a stronger artist because I didn’t have a ton of people to ask but I also lost so much time.
Favorite Software (presets, actions, templates, etc?)
I make my own Photoshop actions so of course-shameless plug haha!
Favorite Photo Find (Lab, forum, camera bag, etc.)
I LOVE my Shutter bag. I can’t speak highly enough of it. It’s amazing. I am a gear hoarder so I love how much I can stuff in there.

Summary of what you hope to share with attendees of the reset conference.
We will all be there to talk about photography, and my biggest hope is everyone leaves feeling like they know more than they came with-but above all I hope that sharing my heart a bit uplifts someone and reinvigorates their love for what they do. Photography for me is so much more than the technical and we so easily lose sight of that.

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