Anita Martin is a newcomer to Reset 2018. She has some amazing travel photos, and is sharing some favorites with us today from her own family’s adventures. The following photos are just from 2017! Anita joins us from California, and we’re excited to welcome her to Indy in April!
I am going through photos from our last-week’s overlanding trip to Black Rock (last year we went to Mammoth area) and realized I haven’t shared any images from our other adventures this year.
This year we traveled and adventured across California. We visited Death Valley, hitting up Warm Springs after crawling over Steel Pass. The boys loved hiking through Joshua Tree and playing at Bass Lake. JTree is always a favorite and we’ve been a few years in a row now. Looks like we need to keep up that tradition and get another vacay there on the books. Our adventures took us up into the Sierra Mountains, Truckee, and Lake Tahoe. Living so close to the Sierras is incredible and we take full advantage of it.
We went to Pismo Beach, Burney Falls and Crater Lake California edition. One weekend we lounged by secluded swimming holes in the foothills of the Sierras. Oregon called our names, and we explored Ashland, Crater Lake, and Klamath Falls. The cool caves in Lava Beds National Monument were awesome in the summer heat. Crater Lake was a huge check on our bucket list and we are already planning our next trip there. Tahoe is blue (and I will always love it there) but Crater Lake is BLUE blue. Crazy blue.
We spent countless nights in Tepui rooftop tent. Heading down dirt roads and looking for the perfect place to camp is our routine. We love waking up to quiet. I love people but it is refreshing to head out into the wilderness and not see another soul for days. It’s peaceful beyond peaceful.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy some of my faves from the year! I hope 2018 can be half as amazing as this year was.
You can follow Anita’s work and family life on Facebook, her personal Instagram, or her business Instagram.
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