There are some people that walk into your life & you just instantly connect with them. That is so true of me (Kellie) & Bekah. One day on Clickinmoms, I received a private message saying “Hey! We live near each other! Let’s meet up for dinner!” I’d been following her on the forums & was thrilled when I got that message. We met at a restaurant & sat & talked for hours. That meeting was the start of a beautiful, lifelong friendship. I never dreamed that night that our lives would be so intertwined as they are now. Even our kids are good buddies! We sat in the library working on Reset today & were sharing about our hearts for this conference & how much our friendship has grown and we were both teary eyed in the library. We are both so grateful that God has placed the two of us in each other’s lives. I’m incredibly grateful to call Bekah one of my very best friends. We laugh because we are in many ways opposite…she’s the dreamer, I’m the analytical one. She’s more bold, I’m more reserved. She’s a creative at heart, I’m tend to be more linear. It’s a pretty great balance when planning a conference! She brings out the silly in me though!

Bekah is an amazing artist. She sees the world in such a unique, beautiful way & I am often envious of that natural talent she possesses. She is a highly talented and sought-after wedding photographer & she also runs a successful senior business called Jukebox Photography. Every time she picks up a camera, magic happens. I’m constantly oohing and ahhing when images appear in my FB feed. Beyond being a successful photographer, she’s also passionate about education & enjoys teaching people about the love of photography. I could ramble on & on…but I think I’ll let her images & her interview below shed a better light into her business & daily life.
Meet Rebekah. Bekah. Bex.

and here’s her super adorable family….These are the people that make Bekah truly shine. She’s an amazing wife & mommy.
What keeps you inspired?
Honestly, others’ work used to be my main source of inspiration but these days I find it’s real life that inspires me the most. I find myself driving on the highway and I’ll observe a lonely tree in the middle of a field or a gorgeous sunset or even the old couple holding hands in front of me in the mall….. I get more wrapped up in all of that at this point in my life and my career. It seems the older I get and the longer I do this, I notice the “real moments”. I always find myself wishing I had my camera in my hands. I like to tell my husband that I am trained in the art of observation after 8 years of being a wedding photographer.

Favorite Software (presets, actions, templates, etc?)
Usually none… but lately I am wrapped up in VSCO film presets for Lightroom. I don’t use them on any genre other than my boudoir work….but I love em.

Favorite Photo Find (Lab, forum, camera bag, etc.)
WHCC is my lab… always has been from day one. I love my Shoot Sac for wedding days and my Shutter Bag for my destinations and on the road shoots.

What is your favorite photography accessory other than your camera?
I love my “Chaser of Light” tank from Strawberry Revolution! They also happen to be coming to Reset so I am pumped!
If you could only photograph with one lens, which would you choose?
Hands down, no questions asked, I would choose Frederico. He is my favorite boyfriend. (Otherwise known as the Canon 50mm 1.2 L)

What do you want your viewers to take away from your work?
Naturally I want to leave a lasting positive impression among my peers and my clients. If my photos; my perspective, can help someone understand a moment, a story or a relationship in just a still… then I’m fulfilled.

What do you think are some clichés in photography you steer away from yourself?
It drives me nuts how many people take photos of their coffee and their feet. I’m guilty. It is easy to make that look good… but seriously people… there is a big world out there and I can only think your shoes and coffee look interesting once or twice… beyond that, you’ve lost me.
If you could be invisible & had your camera…where would you go & what would you photograph?
Shoot! If I was invisible I would flipping travel the world!! … don’t have to pay for that first class plane ticket!… I’d go to Italy and France and Belgium and photograph the heck out of the culture and the people and steal their croissants while they aren’t looking… and then photograph their faces when they discover their food walked off! 😉

5 words your friends would use to describe you.
I’m asking Kellie now… She said “Spunky”
My Facebook friends had a ton of nice things to say… I like this game! Some that were most frequently said are:
*Thank you friends. 🙂 Made my morning!
5 words your spouse would use to describe you.
I asked him. He said:
*I’ll kiss on him later. 🙂
What talent would you most like to have?
… well… Kellie and I are sitting here trying to whistle… and we sound like old men with respiratory issues… so since I already have the power of invisibility, I won’t be greedy with my talents and just say… I’d like to be able to whistle. 🙂

Your laugh…loud and obnoxious? Quiet giggler? Full-on snorter?
The first two depending on the circumstance. My hubby says I am the only person he knows who actually laughs out the words: “HA HA HA”. 😉

Wish you had more of…? Wish you had less of….?
Money…Bills… (see the correlation there?)

Greatest loves of your life?
My Abba (Heavenly Father) and his Son,
Nate… my partner-husband- my leader and my love,
Grant- my brilliant and tenderhearted 11 year old,
Evelyn- my bright-eyed joyful 8 year old
and Avery Mae- my spunky-ornery-silly 21 month old!
Most embarrassing moment??
It takes a lot. I’ll just be brave and admit this… I have farted during two photo sessions… one senior and one boudoir. I don’t want to talk about it. LOL!

Something that is overrated? (Doesn’t have to be photography related)
It may seem hypocritical but cell phones… our culture is so self absorbed (even me.. I admit) and they should be called SELF phones… Have you ever walked down a city sidewalk or in an airport or even the grocery store and observed people… How many of them are missing out on life by staring at their phones?! I’m guilty too.

What’s your BIG dream?
My dreams change. Currently, I’d love to travel the States and internationally with Nate and help people find love and Jesus. To do that with my spouse would be such a gift from God.

It’s Friday night at 9pm…what are you probably doing?
Praying with the kids before bed, and putting in a DVD for myself… Downton Abbey is my latest obsession
If you were granted 3 wishes, what would you choose?
…such dreamy questions…
Man! It’s like a genie just popped up and I am under too much pressure!
I don’t know if I should be serious here or silly.
Dear Genie,
1. I wish to own a time machine. I’d hold my babies for the first time again… kiss my daddy… etc…
2. I wish to always have faith like a child… blind faith… unconditional love and trust
3. I hope to leave a lasting legacy when I am gone.
*note to self… do not have heart to hearts with Kellie Penn while filling out a blog survey LOL!!!!
You can view more of Bekah’s beautiful work at:
We are pleased to announce that Rebekah’s presentation is being sponsored by WHCC. They are an amazing lab with a huge variety of products and options for the professional photographer!
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