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The best Resets happen at the beach.

Join us March 3-5 in Panama City Beach, Florida for the annual Reset Conference for photographers!

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You may know her from her former camera bag line… or perhaps you are a “PropInsanity” junkie! We love this Chicago area based photog for her photo skills and her heart for the community! Tracy and Jessica Weinstock Landers are co founders of Happy Togs, an online community that strives to encourage and build photographers and entrepreneurs rather then bring them down! Tracy also just launched The Creative Artists Collection  and editing Library TODAY!  4 of the 30 instructors in this online editing school are Reset Conference Speakers! We are so thrilled for her and the big waves she is making in this industry! Go check it all out!

Tracy Joy Template


Who inspires you? Not one person in general, but I’m always inspired by strong women who are able to be mothers, wives, and business owners… With a healthy balance to it all


Guilty Pleasure? Wine!

Most embarrassing moment? Hmmmmm I tend to embarrass myself on a daily basis. I can’t think of one particular, but this weekend I fell up the stairs yes up the stairs, if I girls dance recital LOL


Favorite quote? Do you want to others as you would have done unto you. The golden rule


Favorite junk food? Potato chips, sweet tarts, and those dang delicious orange Hostess cupcakes!


If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? ! Like a complete and total tour of Europe


If you could have any super power, which would you choose? To fly! I mean how cool would that be?


Any areas in your life that could use a “Reset?” Can’t think of a single thing… I wish I could make everyone happy, and everyone feel the love that I have on a day-to-day basis… Hard work pays off, and life may never be easy, but it is still beautiful. I just wish I could make everyone in the world realize that.


Favorite photograph you’ve taken? Oh geez. My favorite ones are usually of my middle child, Reese. I love to dress her up, and have some whimsical fun with her.


What moves you? Kindness. When I see people being good to each other, it makes my heart sing.


Have there been moments where you are photographing and you realize that this is bigger than yourself? Every time I photograph a newborn


What words of advice would you give to someone just starting out? Be true to yourself, you are your worst critic.

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What’s your typical day usually look like? Plate and total insanity… But I love and embrace every part of it.


What three words best describe your photography style? Vibrant, whimsical, and fun

Best secret for working smarter not harder? Pick a genre of photography that you love, and hone in on it. Are used to shoot every and any form of photography… Now that I do only newborns and fine art for children, it has made all the difference.


Wish you had more of…? Pink high heels! Wish you had less of….? Laundry!

Any successes or failures in business that have shaped the way you run your business now? My worst critic… And drag me down for a while, and made me second-guess what I do. But once I am braced “me”, I flourished


Do you feel like attending workshops/conferences are valuable? I firmly believe there is no end to education


Summary of what you hope to share with attendees of the reset conference. tagging you all so you don’t miss it. Embrace your competition, don’t fight it. Kindness always wins, and at the end of the day, when our work is done, I want to be remembered for helping others, not for being someone who brings other people down.

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Sometimes you just need to escape to the beach.

White sand. Emerald waters. Lounging by the pool with poolside service. Palm trees and ocean waves. Oh...and incredible education, too!

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Let's take that trip to the beach.

Register today for a few unforgettable days spent at the beach in Florida! We can't wait to see you in PCB!

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Helping photographers to love their businesses and thrive in their personal lives.