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The best Resets happen at the beach.

Join us March 3-5 in Panama City Beach, Florida for the annual Reset Conference for photographers!

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After the conclusion of last year’s Reset, we challenged our attendees with 4 different photography challenges.  The theme of our last challenge was “Growing.”  We LOVED Laura’s beautiful image & are proud to feature her on the blog today!!  This girl has soooo much talent & we love that she’s an Illinois girl! 🙂  We both adore Laura’s heart not only for her business, but for her family & her faith, too. 

Meet the beautiful & amazingly talented Laura:
Laura, where can we find you online?

Business:  Esther Bloom Photography
Our final theme was “Growing”  Describe what inspired you with your Growing portrait.
 I have been friends with a couple in my small group at church & have learned of their infertility struggles as well as losing a precious baby girl.  Their story just really touched me & I wanted to do just a very simple intimate portrait of the couple.  They are a very sweet & quiet couple with a beauty that is just simple.  Nothing fancy, no frills or fuss.  Just simply beautiful.  I wanted to show the miracle that they have long awaited in just that way.  Simple and beautiful.  They are now happy parents to a beautiful baby girl.  They were not only growing as a family but in their faith as well.  
What is your favorite type of photography?   
I adore shooting the moments that are unexpected in a shoot.  Usually its the simple details that we don’t plan.  Maternity shoots & Engagements tend to be my favorite.  In each of these shoots the couple is very excited and looking forward to a huge new change in their lives.  I feel like these are the shoots when you get the most honest & raw feelings come through in portraits.  I like genuine. 
What inspires you?  
I love taking time to go through antique & junk fairs.  I go to visit my family in Texas each year and I truly believe their Antique show in Round Top is my heaven on earth.  I love everything country, western, vintage, and refurbished.
Describe your typical day?
 I typically wake up grab my giant mug of coffee & take my lil man Axel to Kindergarten.  I then head up to the studio on our lil town square and edit until the perfect time of day ( just before sunset).  I then have a shoot or 2 and go home to my wonderful family in our little spot in the country.   Pretty simple.
Favorite quote:  
I have a TON…but at the moment I am in love with this verse.  “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”  -1 Peter 4:10
If you could photograph one famous person (Dead or Alive), who would it be?  
Frieda Kahlo.  She is just very striking to me & a woman with incredible strength.  I was always amazed by what she was able to accomplish and overcome while studying her in art school.
Favorite moment from the Reset Conference?
I have been a big fan of Spanki Mills for a while now so it was great to hear her speak & see where she came from as a photographer. 
Laura, we are so excited to see you on Sunday at this year’s Reset Conference!!! Can’t wait to hug your neck!

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Sometimes you just need to escape to the beach.

White sand. Emerald waters. Lounging by the pool with poolside service. Palm trees and ocean waves. Oh...and incredible education, too!

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Let's take that trip to the beach.

Register today for a few unforgettable days spent at the beach in Florida! We can't wait to see you in PCB!

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Helping photographers to love their businesses and thrive in their personal lives.