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Go into every situation with your head held high. When you believe in yourself half the battle is won. Confidence in photography business is about making sure you can get the best results from each session.

1. Confidence while booking new clients. When you get that first email or phone call that is when the confidence inside of you needs to begin. If you go into the call with doubt in your mind the chances of you not booking the client is much higher. When you first started your business each time someone booked you it made you excited and sometimes even shocked you were able to get a client who didn’t know you to actually pay you the amount you set for your services. It made you feel good inside but the problem is that each time we went into a call we had an uneasy feeling. We didn’t believe that we would book each time we did it just happened and it started to feel like luck at some points.

Now that I am 10 years in the business I understand something totally different was happening. When I got that initial email or phone call from my brides as time went on I had developed more confidence in myself as well as my artwork. I realized I started speaking to them as if they had already booked my services. We would go from introducing ourselves to old friends in just a few moments. We would laugh about funny things happening to them during the wedding planning process and build a rapport. That is because I want to get in their minds that I am their photographer not just any photographer. There is no one else that can capture their photos like I can and that has my personality. My level of confidence when speaking to my clients gets my contracts signed and invoices paid. My Confidence strategy is to know I will get booked because I am the best choice.

2. Confidence when preparing for your session. Now that you got the invoice paid and the contract signed you are officially getting ready to go and shoot this portrait session. Keep that same level of confidence and make sure the session goes according to your plan. The time of day you shoot, location, all the way down to what your client is wearing should have your input. Of course we all have those clients that are great at planning their own looks and select great locations however for each one of those clients there are three that have no idea what they are doing and they need your help. Tell them what to wear to help bring out their skin tones, tell them where they will be shooting that day and why. If you’re a natural light photographer then make sure you are not shooting in dark places where you would need to use OCF or bring in lighting because you prefer natural light and you will always like the way it looks better.

When you love what you are shooting your client will love it also. I make sure I select a date and time that works best for me. I try to steer my clients towards solid colors for their looks and I tell them the best locations for them based on their personalities and what they are wearing. This allows me to be confident during the shoot and love the end result.

3. Confidence while shooting your clients. So not it’s time to shoot and your client has arrived and all the strategies have worked thus far. You got the invoice paid and contract signed by talking to them like old friends instead of a salesperson. You were also able to help maximize the shoot by helping with the look of the session. Now it’s time to pull out your camera and shoot. You are setting up the first shot and your client is not really understanding what you want them to do. Act it out to show them just what you’re looking for or go over and move their hand and help them pull out some real emotions and smiles.

I can tell when my clients are truly enjoying themselves and when they feel uncomfortable. Guess what… you can also see that in the finished product. So, help your clients by being talkative, tell your clients when they are doing something right. Celebrate victories and make them feel special. Imagine being on the other end of that camera and feeling awkward with no help. You wouldn’t be having very much fun so entertain your clients and be the perfect photographer for them. Try something different when needed. play music when you can, or come up with games or role-playing. It works.

Being a successful photographer is not just about making and creating amazing work. It is also about providing your clients with an experience that they will never forget. Have fun, be energetic and be confident. 

LaJoy Cox is a mother of three beautiful crazy kids currently living just outside of Atlanta GA. She started her business seven years ago after losing her biggest supporter, her mother. She wanted to give her mother a reason to be proud and she wanted to help other people save beautiful moments between their families and loved ones. Since starting her business she has been on TV shows, shooting events & weddings and she has been published and featured with amazing magazines. Her company has grown from the little start-up that it was to a serious business that employs other creatives who travel worldwide. Her children are the biggest reminders of just how lucky she truly is. LaJoy says she is just your average girl with a great eye for photography that represents the love that people have for one another. She says to expect her to tell you about her kids, her family and how her life is just like yours. You can find LaJoy online on Instagram & Facebook.

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