As you start packing your bags for The Reset Conference, here are some things to be sure & bring along.

What to bring?
Masks — Keep calm & mask on!
Hand sanitizer — kill those germs!
Favorite notebook/favorite pen – for notes! Lots and lots of notes!
Camera — totally optional. If you are in a shootout, then you’ll want to make sure to bring it! Otherwise, it is totally your call! (But, it is a photography conference & you never know when you’ll be inspired & want to grab some photos!)
Laptop — for taking notes, attending virtual sessions in your room (they’ll be shown in classrooms too!), or if you just need to get some work done while you’re there
Phone — for taking photos and social media posts!
#theresetconference #reset2020 #sharethelex
Phone Charger — because I notoriously forget mine!
Spending Money — for the Vendor Expo, coffee shop, grab & go lunch stop, and the Rackhouse Tavern (which is an official stop on the Bourbon Trail!)

What to wear?
This is totally up to you! Some people opt for more comfy, casual clothes. You will be sitting for quite a bit of the day & may as well be comfy! Others want this as an excuse to go shopping for cute, new clothes! That’s totally fine, too! Wear what makes you happy & don’t over think it or stress about it! 😉 Yoga pants? Go for it! Jeans, totally fine! Uggs, great! Stiletto’s…more power to ya!
And if you’re attending the gala, don’t forget your gala wear & accessories!
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